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The Canon EOS R1 may not come until the 2nd half of 2023 [CR2] | Canon Rumors

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We have been told not to expect the Canon EOS R1 “anytime soon”, as a retailer was told not to expect it until the second half of 2023.

With Canon and other manufacturers still suffering from inventory shortages, this shouldn’t come as much of a surprise. We also believe Canon wants to round out the lens lineup further before the EOS R1.

The Canon EOS R1 will probably be the camera body that moves EOS-1DX series professionals to mirrorless full-time.  Some will have already moved to the Canon EOS R3, but since that camera body has been difficult to acquire,  a lot of news agencies haven’t purchased Canon mirrorless cameras yet.

It probably makes better financial sense to address the EOS RP and EOS R replacements first, as well as rounding out the L and non-L lens lineup.

More to come…

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