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The Best Games on PlayStation Plus Premium & Extra

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The new PlayStation Plus Premium drops extremely soon, and we here at WePC are excited about it. So, we’ve decided to break down some of the best games that will be on the new service and tell you exactly what you should be playing.

PS5 Games On PlayStation Plus Premium

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If you’re looking for some quality games to test out on your PS5 with your new PlayStation Plus subscription you’re in luck, with games such as Control: Ultimate Edition, Demon’s Souls, Ghost of Tsushima: Director’s Cut, Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales and Guardians Of The Galaxy ready to test the quality on your new next-generation software. Ghost of Tsushima: Director’s Cut and Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales especially will see you marvelling at the sheer speed of next generation consoles, and it helps a ton that the gameplay in each of the games is totally incredible to boot.

Demon’s Souls will scratch the itch of a harder game to play that lasts a while, while Control: Ultimate Edition beckons to the lover of all things weird and cryptic. Guardians of the Galaxy, meanwhile, is all about family and the way that your team can become your very best friends and something more than just a team.

PS4/ PS3 Games on PlayStation Plus Premium

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In terms of PS4 games, Ghost Runner, Horizon Zero Dawn Complete Edition, Outer Wilds, Party Hard & The Last Guardian are well worth playing. Ghost Runner is quick and dirty, a game in which you have to rush around and be constantly on the move to survive. Outer Wilds is a game that will give you an existential crisis, and satiate a crave to explore space and the fabric of reality itself. PS3 games are a tad more difficult to discuss, especially given how the PS5 cannot natively emulate the games and have to stream them, but if we had to choose five games: Castlevania- Lords of Shadow 2, Devil May Cry HD Collection, Ratchet & Clank: A Crack In Time & XCOM: Enemy Within.

PS2/PS1 Games on PlayStation Plus Premium

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Now onto the absolute classics. We’re talking PS2 and PS1 games here, so there’s a LOT to break down and work out exactly what the best games are. I mean, there’s so many. In terms of PS2 games: Ape Escape 2, Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter, Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy and Red Faction are worth your time, true classics for all the right reasons. In terms of PS1 games…. why not take a look at the original Ape Escape, Resident Evil Director’s Cut, Oddworld: Abe’s Oddysee, Worms Armageddon and the classic known as Toy Story 2: Buzz Lightyear to the Rescue.

Okay, so maybe the PS1 offerings aren’t exactly amazing, but that’s just because there’s so many remasters out there of the larger titles for the PS1 that you don’t really need that many PS1 games.

What games will you be playing when the new PlayStation Plus launches in Europe on March 23? Let us know below, and give us some games that you’d love to see added to the service in the near future!

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