T-Mobile on Thursday announced a pair of new 5G smartphones for both its tier-one brand and prepaid Metro by T-Mobile services. the REVVL 6 and REVVL 6 PRO will be available starting at both outlets starting from August 4.
The REVVL line is typically a low-cost entry into the phone space, with a hardware and software experience that’s suited for those who don’t require much from their device. Such is the case with the latest pair as they arrive with price tags of $170 (REVVL 6) and $220 (REVVL 6 Pro).
As one might expect, the two phones share a lot of features but the Pro pushes things just a bit further with specifications. Both run Android 12 and feature multiple cameras, 2.2GHz octa-core MediaTek processors, and support for 5G.
Dig a bit deeper and you’ll start to see that the REVVL 6 Pro dials things up a bit in a number of areas. In fact, it might be more of a mid-range phone.
The REVVL 6 and REVVL 6 Pro will be available online and in retail stores for both T-Mobile and Metro by T-Mobile starting on August 4. Pricing is for the REVVL 6 is $170 all-in or $7.09 per month for 24 months. The REVVL 6 Pro is $220 outright or $9.17 per month over two years.
As part of a limited time promotion both new and existing T-Mobile customers can get the phones for free with 24 monthly bill credits when adding a line to most rate plans.
Those who switch to Metro can get either phone for free after instant rebate when activating on the $40 monthly plan. Existing Metro subscribers can pick up the REVVL 6 for free (after instant rebate) when adding a line to a plan.
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