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Sonic Origins is the latest way to play the classic Sonic titles of yesteryear.
You might not know that many of the original titles’ cheats are still functioning.
READ MORE: Sonic Origins Review
We’ve put together a list of all the Sonic Origins cheats and the things you can do with them.
Most of the cheats to be found in Sonic Origins work the same way. You enter a code on the title screen to access a cheat menu that gives you access to the level-select function.
You’ll also access various other functions, such as sound tests and game customization.
All of the games also feature a debug mode that can be used to change the way that these games function.
We’re also happy to report that these cheats work in anniversary and classic modes.
In Sonic 1, you can reach the level select menu with the following code:
This should bring you to the cheat menu pictures above. Once in the menu, you can change many game features, including the ability to roll back some of the changes. You can enter the following code into the sound test menu to enable debug mode.
In debug mode, you can spawn as many items as you like, including an item box that gives you immediate access to your super form.
One of the most interesting things you can do in Sonic Origins is turning into Super Sonic since the original version didn’t let you.
To experience this, you must change “Max Emeralds” from 6 to 7. Then, play the following sounds using the sound test:
Then, you can select any level you want, collect 50 rings, and press the transform button to become Super Sonic. You can also become Super Knuckles or Super Tails if you like.
Cheats in Sonic CD are slightly different because you have to unlock them rather than typing in a code. To gain access to the level select menu, you must beat the time attack mode in under 5 minutes.
To unlock the sound test menu, you’ll need to beat time attack mode in under 4 minutes. You’ll need the sound test menu if you hope to use debug mode.
Once you’ve unlocked these menus, you can find them hiding in the main page’s extras section. To access debug mode, you can enter the codes below into the sound test.
For Sonic 2, you can reach the cheat menu using the following code:
This time around, you’ll need to play “00” on the sound test to open the game configuration menu. You can also enter the code below to access the debug menu.
The final code is to unlock all seven chaos emeralds so you can turn into your super form whenever you like, assuming you have 50 rings.
The final game on the list is Sonic 3, and you can use the following code to get the level select menu.
Once entered correctly, you should see a new menu option underneath “competition” if you scroll down far enough.
You can enter the following code in the sound test menu to unlock debug mode:
You can enter the following code to get all the chaos emeralds, but you’ll need to enter it twice to get the Super Emeralds.
Another great extra you can find in Sonic Origins is the unused special stages. Each level select/sound test menu gives you access to an unused or extra-hard special stage.
READ MORE: Gotta Go Animated: Sonic In An Animated Medium
You can play sound 07 on the sound test, then select ‘special stage’ to visit the more advanced special stages.
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