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Sonic 3 Director Confirms Michael Jackson’s Involvement

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After literal decades of speculation, the director of Sonic 3 & Knuckles has officially confirmed that Michael Jackson did music for the game.

Michael Jackson Did Sonic 3 Music

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Yuji Naka, the director of several Sonic games, tweeted the following:

Does Sonic Origins Sonic 3 have a different song?”

“Oh my god, the music for Sonic 3 has changed, even though SEGA Official uses Michael Jackson’s music.”

In one short tweet Naka has confirmed something that has been only rumoured for decades now: that Michael Jackson himself did the music for Sonic 3 & Knuckles. The music in Sonic Origins has been changed due to a copyright issue which we weren’t previously sure of the specifics of, until now. It’s clear that the reason there’s copyright issues behind Sonic 3 & Knuckles is due to the Jackson estate still having a hold over the title.

When Does Sonic Origins Release?

Sonic Origins listing

Sonic Origins released today collecting Sonic The Hedgehog, Sonic CD, Sonic The Hedgehog 2 and Sonic 3 & Knuckles. In our review we stated that:

Sonic Origins would be an incredibly example of how to do a collection of classic video games, if not for the corporate greed on display.

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