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Retouch4Me is a suite of Plugins that use AI to retouch your photos in the blink of an eye

It seems like you can’t go a day without hearing about AI lately. It’s well and truly becoming a regular part of our lives, and of course, features in several Photoshop and Lightroom features and plug-ins now. So of course, it wasn’t going to be long before other companies started developing AI to help with the retouching workload.

Retouch4Me is the latest software that uses the power of AI to help you with your image retouching. It’s primarily touting itself as great for portraits and weddings, but ultimately could be used for a range of photography genres.

It’s not just one plugin, however. Retouch4Me is actually a suite of 9 different programmes. Each plugin works as a stand-alone by itself, depending on what you need. They include healing, dodge and burn, eyes, clean backdrop, fabric, skin tone and teeth.

“The unique trained neural network can identify body and face parts, clothes and background, find defects and correct them,” explains the press release. It continues to say that “the plug-ins can be used to naturally and delicately smoothen problem areas, spots and unevenness of the skin as well as remove glares, shadows and dirt from the pictures.”

The plug-in can also apparently be used for product photography as well. The programme can edit thousands of images by itself without you having to watch over it. Ultimately this could save a lot of time and money.

So far the examples given on the website are pretty impressive. It would be very interesting to try out this software and see what it can really do. Honestly, any help with retouching would be a wonderful thing!

The plugins can be downloaded directly from the website and cost from $124.

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