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Private note: I lost my best friend, and I might slow down work on SAR for the next days.


Me an Christian inside our giant self made camera

It’s big rumor time here on SAR. And like you I was very excited to see the next new cameras. But yesterday my best friend Christian died unexpectedly. He was my photographer buddy, we had a lot of ongoing projects together. Like our 14 year old Cube project. I now suddenly feel lost and void. Death took away all our dreams.

I am writing this because I feel a constant pain, it’s hard for me to work. Death ripped off a piece of my soul, a piece I will never get back.

The next days I will spend a lot of time with his family. I will try to give my best and still work on SAR. But I wanted to let you know that I might miss reading your emails, miss to report a rumor or news the upcoming days.

Life is precious folks, don’t waste it.
Big hug to all of you,

Our collection on Opensea (all earnings go to Christians family):


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