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How to make Cotton Yarn in V Rising

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Cotton Yarn is one of the new items you will come across once you get onto progressing in the Farmlands. It is a valuable item, one which you’re going to need to use lots of to make new tiers of armor and further your gear store grind. Here is how you can make and get Cotton Yarn in V Rising.

How to make Cotton Yarn in V Rising

The primary method of getting Cotton Yarn in V Rising is via the following requirements:

  1. Beating Beatrice the Tailor
  2. Building a Loom
  3. Gathering Cotton

Your first task is to go and find a character called Beatrice the Tailor. She is one of the V blood enemies you can find on the Blood Alter if you are around 30 gear score. She is located on the south side of Dawnbreak Village by the main road in the town. You need to beat her, as he rewards the player with two important recipes, the Loom and the Cotton Yarn recipes. She also rewards you with the Cloth recipe, which is another important resource for crafting items but that is another tale entirely.

Once you have beaten her, you can then head back to your base and build the loom. You will then be able to make Cotton Yarn in V Rising. The requirement to make one Cotton Yarn requires 20 Cotton.

How to get Cotton in V Rising

Cotton is a fairly easy to acquire resource that you can find throughout the farms in the region. Cotton farms are typically found on the south side of the Dunley Farmlands on both the east and west side of the zones entrances from the Woodlands. You can also acquire it from the Dunley Lumber Mill, found on the west side of the zone.

When you visit these areas, you want to gather the items from the villages. You can also get them from drops via the villagers and by destroying the pros around the buildings. Remember to use your sword on the cotton plants to acquire more of the resource thanks to its increased damage to harvestable plants. With all that said, you should be able to craft plenty of Cotton Yarns as you make your way through the second major zone in the game.

If you enjoyed this guide, feel free to check out our V Rising hub. We have plenty of guides to help you along your way through your vampire journey.

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