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Donkey Kong Patent Filed By Nintendo

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Donkey Kong has had a patent filed by Nintendo that seemingly implies we could be getting a release on the Nintendo Switch. It’s unclear as to what exactly this could be, whether it’s something on an expansion pack or a full new Donkey Kong game, though.

Donkey Kong Is Back?!


Nintendo has updated the trademark for Donkey Kong. Rather than being a routine extension of an existing trademark, this is a new trademark with updated verbiage pertaining specifically to video games, including ‘downloadable programs for portable and electronic consoles.”

It’s unclear as of yet what exactly this means, although there’s several theories racing around the place. It could be that Nintendo is looking to bring Donkey Kong 64 to the Nintendo Expansion Pack, or that they’re looking to make a full brand new Donkey Kong Country. It’s worth noting that Donkey Kong 64 was on the virtual console, yet hasn’t appeared on the N64 itself, making it a fairly likely inclusion.

When Did He Last Get A Game?

donkey kong country finally added to switch online library feature

Donkey Kong hasn’t had a game since Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze. While that game was ported back in 2018, there’s been nothing new on the old Gorilla front. He’s one of the most beloved Nintendo characters, and one of the most important characters in their history, since Mario first appeared IN a Donkey Kong title. It remains to be seen if we’ll be seeing something new from him in the near future, sadly.

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