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Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7 Reunion Details, Release Date

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It still doesn’t seem real that Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7 is finally getting a remaster, fifteen years after the original game came out. But it is getting one, and it’s coming with a whole host of improvements, so we’re here to help break them down for you.

What Is Crisis Core?

So, for those who are unaware of what Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII even is, allow us to break it down for you. Part of the crux of the story of the original Final Fantasy VII is that Cloud Strife, the main character, has gone through copious amounts of trauma, and that due to this his memory is all messed up. He thinks he was a SOLDIER, a member of the elite fighting force of the Shinra Electric Power Company. Except…. he wasn’t. Cloud’s best friend, Zack Fair, was. Crisis Core is the tale that comes before Final Fantasy VII. It’s the story of how Cloud ever came to be the man he was, how Zack impacted him and his world in an incredibly significant way, who Aerith was talking about when she mentioned that other SOLDIER and how Cloud ever came to get his signature Buster Sword. Those that have played, or even watched, Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII know how gut-wrenching the final fight is, as Zack dies in a hail of bullets from Shinra SOLDIERS. Although, as those of you who’ve played Final Fantasy VII: Remake may know, this might go differently (more on that, later).

What Exactly Will The Remaster Do?

FFVII Crisis Core Remaster

So, details are currently scare on the Remaster. We know the release date of the game and the platforms it’ll be releasing on, along with some specifics on the game itself, but not much. The remaster will be titled Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion, and is explicitly described as a remaster by Square Enix. The game itself will feature updated 3D models, full voiceovers and new music arrangements, as you can see in the trailer above, but it’s extremely unclear as to whether this is set in the original Final Fantasy VII timeline or the Remake timeline, which is extremely important because…

Will This Lead Up To The Twist Ending Of Final Fantasy VII: Remake?

CrisisCore Final Fantasy VII Reunion 2022 06 16 22 002

The answer to this is a rather simple one: we don’t know. It’s quite likely that, if they’re marketing it like how they marketed Final Fantasy VII: Remake, Square Enix will keep where exactly this game takes place under wraps until the release of the game. The description of this game as a remaster, rather than a remake does tend to imply that it’ll follow the original Crisis Core storyline, but that’s what people thought about Final Fantasy VII: Remake before it released too. For those who are unaware of the twist ending of Final Fantasy VII: Remake and want to know it, we’ll tell you exactly what happened. It’s revealed that Zack Fair survived the onslaught of SOLDIER troops and took Cloud to Midgar, but what isn’t revealed is whether or not this is the same timeline we’re playing in or an alternate timeline. If Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion ends with Zack walking into Midgar clutching an injured Cloud, then we’ll know that this is part of the Remake timeline.

What Platforms Is The Game Releasing On & When?

CrisisCoreFF7Reunion Lead 061622

Bit of a weird one, this. Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion is currently slated for released on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, Nintendo Switch and PC. Both Xbox and Nintendo Switch simply don’t have access to Final Fantasy VII: Remake, which makes the decision to put this remaster on those systems mildly amusing and greatly baffling. It’ll be releasing “This Winter”, although it should be made clear that could mean it either releases this year or very early next year.

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