Blaupunkt BH51 headphones were launched in India on Monday as the latest addition to the company’s audio portfolio. The budget-friendly over-the-ear Bluetooth headphones are offered in two colour options and pack 40mm dynamic driver alongside inbuilt microphones. The Blaupunkt BH51 feature active noise cancellation (ANC) and pack a 360mAh battery. The new Blaupunkt BH51 headphones are said to deliver up to 32 hours of playback time with the ANC feature switched on.
The price of the Blaupunkt BH51 is set at Rs. 2,999 in India. The headphones are offered in Black and Blue colour options and are available for purchase via the company website and Amazon.
As mentioned, the Blaupunkt BH51 headphones are powered by 40mm dynamic driver to deliver HD sound that has a frequency response range of 20Hz–20,000Hz, and a sensitivity rating of 25dB. The wireless earphones feature inbuilt microphones and have an ergonomic design with earpads for ensuring comfort during long use.
The Blaupunkt BH51 feature active noise cancellation (ANC) that reduces background and surrounding noises to provide a better listening experience. The over-the-ear wireless headphones come with Bluetooth v5 connectivity with a maximum operating distance of 10 metres for pairing with compatible smart devices. They also include an AUX connector. The pair come with a dual connectivity feature which means that they can be connected to two devices simultaneously.
The new headphones from Blaupunkt are said to deliver up to 32 hours of playtime on a full charge at 50 percent volume without ANC and up to 24 hours of playtime with the ANC feature switched on at 50 percent volume. They are claimed to offer up to 180 hours of standby time. With the turbovolt charging feature, the headphones are claimed to offer 180 minutes of playback time with just a 10 minutes of charging. They weigh 480 grams.
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