Bare Butt Boxing: A New Era Of Party Games?

Bare Butt Boxing: A New Era Of Party Games?

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Party games are a dime a dozen these days. You can find something for anybody online, allowing you to play with whoever you want. There’s about to be a newcomer to the party (sorry), though. Bare Butt Boxing wants to take what Gang Beasts did before it, make it less focused on physics than that game, and appeal to a massive audience, but is it any good? We got to take a look at the game and find out.

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Bare Butt Boxing’s Brilliant Fun

Unlike Gang Beasts, a game that wants you to fall all over the place as you attempt to kick and grab your opponents, Bare Butt Boxing really only has one primary focus. It wants you to punch your opponents to earn points and attempt to stay balanced yourself. It’s something that took the team at Tuatara a while to get right, as they told me during my preview:

“The game has been in development for about a year and a half. We started pretty slow, exploring what we really wanted to do. The majority of that year and a half has been dedicated to engineering, solving problems and glitches. There are some really tough technical problems you need to overcome when you do multiplayer.”

Indeed that time in development has led to something special. While the build of the game that I played was rough and early in development, with clear issues present throughout such as bugs and collision issues, the game itself was fun enough for me to just straight up be able to ignore that. I was assured by the developers at Tuatara that they’re still working on fixing these glitches, and that even the early access release of the game will be much smoother to play than what I played. What I played was, according to Tuatara:

“Essentially an Alpha build of the game. We’re playing with the core gameplay that we want to expand quite a bit, with different maps and the ability to set up playlists for you and your friends to play through at will.”

Party Fun

Bare Butt Boxing Concept Art
Bare Butt Boxing Concept Art

Bare Butt Boxing tries to take a party-based approach to gameplay. You rush from person to person, punching at your opponent in an attempt to knock them into huge goals for various amounts of points. It’s an entertaining take on traditional party games, allowing friends and family to play in quick bursts. Interestingly, as I was told by the developers:

“We plan to have both local and online multiplayer. It’s not a feature we’re focusing heavily on right now, and it’s not going to be available in early access, but it’s something we’re thinking about for the future.”

It’s an incredibly fun time, one that you’ll probably find yourself playing repeatedly with friends. While the game itself is obviously unfinished as of yet, given how the game is only just entering early access this year, there’s enough here to keep you and your friends occupied.

Bare Butt Boxing is a game that was likely not on many people’s radars. But it’s one that deserves to be looked at and given a fair shot, especially with how much fun I had during my short hands-on preview with the title. You’ll find yourself falling in love with this wacky and colorful world with incredibly strong combat mechanics that feel good to use on a core level.

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Of course, you might be wondering what exactly the game will be released on, and luckily we’ve got the answer for you.

“It’s going to be in early access on Steam at the end of this year. Then besides that, we’re planning on doing a full launch in 2023 with all major platforms such as Switch, Xbox, and PlayStation.”

Will you be checking out Bare Butt Boxing in early access?

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