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Skate 4 trailer drops in, well sort of

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Fans have had to wait over a decade since Skate 3 was released but finally, a Skate. otherwise known as Skate 4 trailer has dropped. It isn’t quite a trailer as you may be accustomed to, instead it was a sneak peak at some humourous ‘pre-pre-pre-alpha’ gameplay. The dev team is letting the fans know that they are working on it and we got to see a little bit behind the curtain.

Skate 4 trailer – Skate.

The good news doesn’t end there, the dev team behind Skate. want you to become an insider and feedback to assist in the overall development. You can sign up now and earn our chance to play the new title and be part of its journey. this means you could gain access to early versions of Skate 4, although they stated that there is no guarantee of how soon you’d get to play.

What is Skate. Insider?

This program is your best chance to get your hands on the game and shape the future of the game. Sure, it’s just play testing but who doesn’t want early access?

As mentioned, the game is in ‘very early’ development, so this testing phase is largely considered to be much sooner than what you would normally see with other games. So limit your expectations.

*Anyone who is older than 18 can take part in the Skate insider program.*

The dev team stated: ‘We will be inviting players to participate in playtesting based on varying factors defined by our goals for testing at that time in development. Stay tuned to our social channels for more information as invitations go out.’

Once you have your invitation to the Skate. playtest, you will receive information on how to provide feedback to the dev team. It is unknown how frequent the playtests will be at this stage but there may be a roadmap in the future shared with those that sign up.

Playtests will initially begin on the PC platform via Origin, however, as they expand the testing, more platforms will follow.

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